Men in your 20’s and 30’s, here’s a good lesson for you.

We are living in one of the toughest times of human evolution.

Paco Chávez
5 min readNov 4, 2022
Photo by Dean on Unsplash

Tough? In what sense? We have everything, we have technology, food at the click of our fingers, the ability to create a business using the internet. Information at the tip of our fingers, Google can solve any question we have. There is one major caveat to all of this, this world of instantaneous accessibility, of immediate solutions, of instant gratification as many know it, it is killing men.

You are living in a world of instant gratification. Every young mind is lost in the temptation of the NOW. You seek pleasure like it is the only thing that matters. The only thing that drives your existence. Porn, Sex, drugs, alcohol, pills.. This is wrong, you’re delusional. Pleasure is important, There is no appreciation to life without feeling a semblance of pleasure. It reminds you that suffering isn’t meaningless. To find comfort in knowing the rough edges of life are not without some solace, but…

YOU are living a life of vast imbalance, a life of pursuing instant everything, pleasure everywhere. Brother, This is a curse. The human mind is not designed to be this junkyard of dopamine. This pleasure you seek constantly is what will lead you to chaos. Sloth, gluttony and lust will plague your life and…



Paco Chávez
Paco Chávez

Written by Paco Chávez

We think we know what we're talking about.

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